Foreign Investors Sell Net, IHSG Dropped Up to 91 Points
Friday, 30 May 2014 ( Pkl. 18:09 WIB)

Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) dropped by 91 points after foreign investors decide to sell the net after all this time planting money in the domestic capital market. Seed stocks targeted selling.
While the rupiah against the U.S. dollar (U.S.) opened higher at Rp 11,600 compared to the position at the close of trading two days ago at Rp 11,625 per U.S. dollar.
Opening morning trading, stock index edged up 4.475 points (0.22%) to a level of 4996.702, but soon fell into the red zone. Local investors sold stocks in the trading day national kejepit (harpitnas) this last week.
The longer index fell further into the red zone, whereas previously had reached 4998.094 Stocks that two days ago already gained so selloff target.
At the close of the first trading session, stock index dropped 50 points (1.01%) to a level of 4935.196. The index had climbed to near 5000 levels. Unfortunately, profit-taking forced the index fell into negative territory.
The sell increasingly crowded lunch break approached. Leading shares index to make more and more removed had fallen to its lowest point right at the close of trading today.
Closing the weekend trading on Friday (30/05/2014), JCI dropped 91.670 points (1.84%) to a level of 4893.908.While LQ45 Index fell 24.121 points (2.84%) to a level of 824.551.
Nine of the ten sectors in the bourses trimmed, the most in the industry with a variety of correction is more than four percent. Index trade so the only thing that is still positive.
This is the first time foreign investors net sales (foreign net sell) in this month. Foreign transactions recorded at Rp 469.18 billion in the regular market and negotiation.
Since the early months of this year averaged foreign net buy each trade. Foreign funds parked in the stock is still very high, currently at Rp 41.5 trillion. The sell-off by foreign investors is the case in the leading stocks, such as consumer and banking sector.
Trade today went crowded with as many as 206 153 times the frequency of transactions on a volume 7.912 billion shares worth Rp 9.529 trillion. A total of 119 stocks rose, 193 fell, and 63 stocks stagnant.
Only one stock markets in Asia that can be strengthened, namely the Hong Kong stock exchange. The rest are stuck in the red zone closing weekend trade.
Following circumstances regional bourses this afternoon:
The Nikkei 225 fell 49.34 points (0.34%) to 14632.38.
benchmark Hang Seng Index rose 71.51 points (0.31%) to 23081.65.
thinning Shanghai Composite Index 1.38 points (0 , 07%) to a level of 2039.21.
Straits Times index decreased 3.84 points (0.12%) to 3296.87.
benchmark Hang Seng Index rose 71.51 points (0.31%) to 23081.65.
thinning Shanghai Composite Index 1.38 points (0 , 07%) to a level of 2039.21.
Straits Times index decreased 3.84 points (0.12%) to 3296.87.
The shares are up significantly, and entered the ranks of the top gainers among them is Siloam (SILO) rose Rp 1,800 to Rp 15,000, Airlines Reinsurance (MREI) rose Rp 910 to Rp 4,900, Bank of India (BSWD) rose Rp 900 to Rp 4,550 ,, and Gowa Makassar (GMTD) rose Rp 475 to Rp 8,000.
While stocks are down quite deep and top losers in the category include Multi Stars (MLBI) went down by $ 6,500 to Rp 1.11 million, Gudang Garam (GGRM) went down by $ 1,900 to Rp 52,050, Unilever (UNVR) went down by $ 1,075 to USD 29 125, and Indocement (INTP) fell Rp 975 to Rp 22,650.
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Investor Asing Jual Bersih, IHSG Anjlok Hingga 91 Poin
Jum'at, 30 Mei 2014 ( Pkl. 18:09 WIB)
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) anjlok hingga 91 poin setelah investor asing memutuskan untuk menjual bersih setelah selama ini tanam uang di pasar modal dalam negeri. Saham-saham unggulan jadi sasaran aksi jual.
Sementara nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) dibuka menguat di posisi Rp 11.600 dibandingkan posisi pada penutupan perdagangan dua hari lalu di Rp 11.625 per dolar AS.
Membuka perdagangan pagi tadi, IHSG naik tipis 4,475 poin (0,22%) ke level 4.996,702, tapi tak lama jatuh ke zona merah. Investor lokal melepas saham di perdagangan hari kejepit nasional (harpitnas) terakhir pekan ini.
Semakin lama Indeks semakin jatuh ke zona merah, padahal sebelumnya sempat mencapai 4.998,094 Saham-saham yang dua hari lalu sudah menguat jadi sasaran aksi jual.
Pada penutupan perdagangan sesi I, IHSG anjlok 50 poin (1,01%) ke level 4.935,196. Indeks sempat mendaki hingga mendekati level 5.000. Sayangnya, aksi ambil untung memaksa Indeks jatuh ke teritori negatif.
Aksi jual semakin ramai mendekati rehat siang. Saham-saham unggulan semakin banyak dilepas membuat Indeks sempat jatuh ke titik terendahnya tepat pada penutupan perdagangan hari ini.
Menutup perdagangan akhir pekan, Jumat (30/5/2014), IHSG anjlok 91,670 poin (1,84%) ke level 4.893,908. Sementara Indeks LQ45 jatuh 24,121 poin (2,84%) ke level 824,551.
Sembilan dari sepuluh sektor di lantai bursa terpangkas, yang paling dalam adalah aneka industri dengan koreksi lebih dari empat persen. Indeks sektor perdagangan jadi satu-satunya yang masih positif.
Ini merupakan kali pertamanya investor asing melakukan jual bersih (foreign net sell) di bulan ini. Transaksi jual asing tercatat sebesar Rp 469,18 miliar di pasar reguler dan negosiasi.
Sejak awal bulan tahun ini asing rata-rata melakukan beli bersih tiap perdagangan. Dana asing yang parkir di bursa masih sangat tinggi, saat ini mencapai Rp 41,5 triliun. Aksi jual oleh investor asing ini terjadi di saham-saham unggulan, seperti di sektor konsumer dan perbankan.
Perdagangan hari ini berjalan ramai dengan frekuensi transaksi sebanyak 206.153 kali pada volume 7,912 miliar lembar saham senilai Rp 9,529 triliun. Sebanyak 119 saham naik, 193 turun, dan 63 saham stagnan.
Hanya satu pasar saham di Asia yang bisa menguat, yaitu bursa Hong Kong. Sisanya terjebak di zona merah menutup perdagangan akhir pekan.
Berikut situasi dan kondisi bursa-bursa regional sore hari ini:
Indeks Nikkei 225 turun 49,34 poin (0,34%) ke level 14.632,38.
Indeks Hang Seng naik 71,51 poin (0,31%) ke level 23.081,65.
Indeks Komposit Shanghai menipis 1,38 poin (0,07%) ke level 2.039,21.
Indeks Straits Times berkurang 3,84 poin (0,12%) ke level 3.296,87.
Indeks Hang Seng naik 71,51 poin (0,31%) ke level 23.081,65.
Indeks Komposit Shanghai menipis 1,38 poin (0,07%) ke level 2.039,21.
Indeks Straits Times berkurang 3,84 poin (0,12%) ke level 3.296,87.
Saham-saham yang naik signifikan dan masuk dalam jajaran top gainers di antaranya adalah Siloam (SILO) naik Rp 1.800 ke Rp 15.000, Maskapai Reasuransi (MREI) naik Rp 910 ke Rp 4.900, Bank of India (BSWD) naik Rp 900 ke Rp 4.550, dan Gowa Makassar (GMTD) naik Rp 475 ke Rp 8.000.
Sementara saham-saham yang turun cukup dalam dan masuk dalam kategori top losers antara lain Multi Bintang (MLBI) turun Rp 6.500 ke Rp 1,11 juta, Gudang Garam (GGRM) turun Rp 1.900 ke Rp 52.050, Unilever (UNVR) turun Rp 1.075 ke Rp 29.125, dan Indocement (INTP) turun Rp 975 ke Rp 22.650.
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